FAQs - Tepas Healthcare


What are Tepas Healthcare’s office hours?

Our regular office hours are from 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Monday through Thursday, and 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM on Friday.

Do I need to bring anything special to my first visit?

Please bring a photo ID, Insurance Card, and a list of any medications you are taking. Also, any forms or test results you have been provided, such as X-rays.

What can I expect at my first appointment?

Our registration staff will ask you to fill out a health history form. These questions are the initial part of the examination and provide us with essential information about you and your medical history. Your address, e-mail, and phone number are very important in case we need to get in touch with you. Information concerning your occupation, age, etc., is likewise important because it may have a bearing on your current health status. Additionally, this information is required by insurance networks to insure payment reimbursement. All information given to us is confidential. Please arrive 10 minutes early to complete the paperwork.

What will my co-pay or balance be at the time of my appointment?

Your insurance company can provide you with your contracted co-pay information. Our registration staff will collect your co-pay and any balance due according to your insurance benefits.

What should I do if I miss my appointment?

We ask that you call our office during regular office hours to reschedule.

Why do I need a referral from my primary care physician to see a specialist?

Our physicians are Specialists and require a referral. If you are insured by an HMO or in some cases a PPO, your health plan will probably require a referral for specialist care, as well. Our office will call you to schedule an appointment once your referral is received.